Oscity Labs has a contracted mutually beneficial partnership with Alabama State University, one of our nation’s oldest Historic Black Colleges & Universities. ASU is 1 of 160 HBCU’s nationwide providing top hemp and cannabis industry joint research & development programs. Oscity Labs offers a workforce development curriculum with a testing and certification program and a university level degree curriculum.
We also offer internships and industry employment. Oscity Labs is active in initiatives at the state level for entrepreneurial start-ups and partnership development in the hemp & cannabis industry. We look to ASU for key employees and collaborate to help ASU students qualify and find employment in the Industry.
This serious ASU based educational and economic development initiative will receive 5% of Oscity ownership and any shareholder distribution of after-tax incomes.
We are currently seeking direct partnerships with other HBCUs and are interested in engaging in meaniful forward motion with public and private organizations who serve the students and administrations of HBCUs.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in being a part or wanting to help our internship program. Thanks and hope to here from you soon.